Eusebio High School

Eusebio High School formerly known as Eusebio High School Rosario Annex has grown from a small high school situated at Maybunga Elementary School to a splurging annex into an independent large high school. It was first handled by Ma’am . Teresita V. Sañez, a notable Social Studies teacher from the Eusebio High School Main when it was the established year 1977. It was then followed by other annexes of Eusebio High School through the effort of its principal then, Miss Diana C. Santos. RHS Maybunga Annex, as it was first called, is in existence from 1977 to 1980 with eight (8) teachers and with only one shift. But due to the increase in population, the two (2) shift scheme was carried out. The legendary, Ma’am Diana C. Santos, RHS main plant principal assigned three honorarium teachers from the main plant along with the other five of the annex’s regular teachers. The 8 of them now comprised the teaching force of RHS Annex Maybunga.

At present Dr. Gilbert O. Inocencio leads and manages the 5, 441 leaners, 182 teaching personnel, and 33 non-teaching personnel of Eusebio High School. As situations in school are slowly returning to normal, EHS is working on its way now to continue its growth not just in number but in all aspects to better serve its learners and its entire community. Technically, the school is already 46 years in existence but as “Eusebio High School” which assumed it’s independency as a separate school since April 14, 2004, it is 19 years old as of this school year. With the dynamism of it’s new leader, the visionary Dr. Gilbert O. Inocencio and with the concerted effort of the school’s entire work force, surely Eusebio High School is on its way to the highest possible standard it can reach.




Communication is the heart of any organization. Connecting the internal and external stakeholders, and the world at large provides us opportunity to be informed and be responsive to the latest programs, projects, and activities of the school. This website serves as an instrument to showcase the school's thrusts, challenges, and accomplishments in line with our mantra of One DepEd Pasig. EHS offers curricular, special programs and alternative delivery mode for Curriculum of the K to 12 Basic Education.

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It is an honor and privilege on my part to work closely with our School Principal, Teachers, Students and Parents in conceptualizing, developing and implementing programs and projects which can have an important effect not only in the quality of leaning but to our learners as well. We hope in our little way, we can reinforce the bonds between our school, families and learners and the changing roles we play in or are assigned by the society in which we live.

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